Manuel Mesquita
Special fields: Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, Psychological Assessment, Developmental Assessment and Intervention
Age groups: Children, adolescents and adults
Consultations in Portuguese, English
Manuel is very much motivated by understanding the human mind, by finding common ground in the midst of the therapeutic setting, and by being able to understand, and help understand, the million pieces of this puzzle we call life.
The more I study Psychology and human behaviour in general, the more I come to understand the beauty of the realm of common existence, society, and of how it all comes together to brighten up each and every one of our lives. In my therapeutic practice, and in my studies of economics and politics, connection comes up time and time again, reinforcing the notion that being human is not a lone endeavour.
Motivated to help those who suffer greatly from psychological distress, I pursue knowledge in the fields of psychotherapy and political economy, in search of therapeutic and societal measures to bring us all closer to our full potential.
Main Areas of Interest: Anxiety Disorders, Personality Development, Evidence-Based Psychotherapy and Public Mental Health Policy.
Academic Training and professional experience
I am a full member of the Order of Portuguese Psychologists, with certified training in at-risk child and adolescent intervention.
My career started in the private sector, working closely with diverse demographics and issues, after which I dedicated myself to a more developmental role as an in-house psychologist in a foster-care setting, all the while keeping my private practice.
I am currently undergoing the final stages of graduation on a master's degree in Economics and Public Policy, with an emphasis on public mental health policy, drawing from previous college experience as a mental health professional in the public sector.