Tânia Cavaco
Special fields: Psychiatry
Age groups: 16 to 65
Consultations in Portuguese, English, and French.
Tânia believes in the importance of taking the time to explore the context and the lived experience of the subject in suffering. Also, she understands that mental health is not only compromised in cases of clear mental illness. Some repetitive experiences that causes us distress and surpass our ability to cope, can through epigenetics, disrupt our emotional functioning and have a great impact in chronic psychic discomfort and even somatic illness. It is the acting to reverse these mechanisms, through the establishment of new relationships such as therapeutic relationships and the promotion of personal growth, that fascinates her in the area of mental health. Intervening psychotherapeutically in addition to psychopharmacologically (because yes, medications can also play a fundamental role) motivates her to invest more in the areas of Psychotherapy and Phenomenology to better understand and act on a greater proportion of the population that asks us for help.
Main areas of interest: Depression, Trauma-related disorders
Academic Training and professional experience
Tânia is a medical doctor specialized in Psychiatry. She completed the “Mestrado Integrado em Medicina” in Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto from 2010 to 2016, she made the “Internato do Ano Comum” (2017) in Centro Hospitalar de Vila Nova de Gaia - Espinho and the “Internato Médico de Formação Específica em Psiquiatria” from 2018 to 2022 in Centro Hospitalar Universitário de Lisboa Norte. During her training she dedicated herself more to working in a Psychodynamic Day Hospital format with group-therapy including multi familiar-groups. She gave General Psychiatry appointments as well as the subspecialty appointments of adolescents and grief. She also collaborated in teaching the subjects of Relational Skills and Introduction to Medicine - Relationship-Centered Medicine in Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Lisboa. Afterwards, she spent a year working at the Epicura Hospital, in Belgium where she increased her knowledge entering in contact with another type of reality. She has now returned to Portugal and started collaborating with us online.
Here is a summary of some of the training:
2018: 6th edition of iPsiquiatria (Introduction to Psychiatry) - University of Medicine of Minho, Braga
2018: XIII National Psychiatry Congress, Pre-Congress Course: “Grief or depression? Therapeutic models and strategies”
2018-2019: Advanced Post-University Specialization in Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapies by the Portuguese Institute of Psychology and Other Sciences (INSPSIC)
2019: Examination of Anomalous Self-Experience - EASE introductory workshop and Examination of Anomalous World-Experience – EAWE introductory workshop.
2019: II Meeting of SPPSM Sections, Pre-Congress Course “Multifamiliar-Groups – Magnetic Resonance”
2019: 2nd Edition Applied Clinical Psychopharmacology – School of Medicine of the University of Minho, Braga
2019: XXIII Adolescence Meeting, “Sociodrama and Adolescence” workshop.
2020: Assessment and Diagnosis of Anxiety Disorders – Online Course by the School of Medicine of the University of Minho
2020: E-Learning Workshop “Psychopathy” – taught by Psychologist Dr. Joana Andrade.
2021: 2nd Ed. Course Essentials of Phenomenological Psychopathology – Portuguese Society of Psychiatry and Mental Health (60 hours)
2021: XV National Congress of Psychiatry - course “Practical Aspects in the Management of Resistant Depression”.
2021: 1st Sexual Medicine Course by the Portuguese Association of Sexual Medicine
2022: Course “Mental Health and Psychedelics” by SPACE Portugal
2023: III Psychoanalysis Awareness Course of the Portuguese Society of Psychoanalysis
2024-2025: "O Mapa da Alma" 6th edition by the Portuguese Center for Jungian Studies.
Here is a summary of some of the presented/ published works:
2019: 19th World Congress of Psychiatry, where she presented the oral communication “Reconsidering Bipolar and Schizophrenia disorders as disturbances of intersubjectivity? A review and preliminary results” in Simpósio, co-authored with Dr. João Rema; as well as the oral communication “Phenomenology of the Self, Time, Space and Relation with Others in Borderline Personality Disorder: preliminary results” T. Cavaco, J. Rema, J. Pereira, M. Melo, T. Filipe, D. Pereira, M. Moreno, L. Madeira.
2019: 5th National Meeting of the First Psychotic Episode, where she presented the following oral communications: “Relação entre Insight e Adesão Terapêutica – resultados do Programa PROFIP” T. Cavaco, R. Santos, C. Leite-Rodrigues, R. Coentre and “Funcionamento numa amostra de doentes com primeiro episódio psicótico do PROFIP”. C. Leite-Rodrigues, T. Cavaco, R. Santos, R. Coentre. The work “Duração da Psicose não tratada e sintomatologia psicótica – resultados do programa PROFIP” was also presented. R. Santos, T. Cavaco, C. Leite-Rodrigues, R. Coentre.
2021: XV National Congress of Psychiatry, where she presented “On Wonder and Meaning” T. Cavaco, J. Rema, L. Madeira.
2021: Trainer in the Theoretical-Practical Course in Mental Health, promoted by Lundbeck and aimed at interns in General and Family Medicine.
Book Chapter “EAWE” in the book “Fundamentos de Clínica Fenomenológica" co-authored with Dr. Adrian Spremberge and Dr. João Rema
Book Chapter “Madness in the Mirror: The Exercise of Self-Portrait” in the book “Interdisciplinary History of Madness, Psychiatry and Mental Health - XI (texts from the International Congress” co-authored with Dr. João Rema. ISBN: 978-989-54537-7-1
Publication “Complex Long-Term Catatonia: A Case Report”;. J. Rema and T. Cavaco, D. Ferreira, JM. Pereira. The Primary Care Companion for CNS Disorders.