We aim to support and empower individuals and communities through the provision of in depth therapy & professional development.

Our team

Rita Marta (Founder)

Special fields: Psychoanalysis, Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, Psychological Assessment

Age groups: Adults, children, adolescents

Consultations in Portuguese, French, English, Spanish

Rita is interested in human relationships and at the complexity of the human mind. As a Psychologist and Psychotherapist for over 20 years, she is motivated by her clinical work with adults, children, and adolescents, as well as research, training, supervision, and writing scientific papers and essays.

In recent years, she has been reflecting and publishing on how, beyond the personal history of each person, social and cultural dynamics impact behavior and personality, especially among younger people.

Main areas of Interest: Trauma, Gender Issues, Adolescence issues, Depression, Personality Disorders, Psychosomatic Disorders.

  • Rita is a Psychoanalyst, full member at the Portuguese Psychoanalytic Society and at the International Psychoanalytical Society;

    She is a full member of the Order of Portuguese Psychologists, a specialist in Clinical and Health Psychology, with advanced specialties in Psychotherapy and Community Intervention;

    She began her career with clinical work and research into adolescent problems (Eating Disorders, suicide attempts, etc.), in Paris and Lisbon and continued her clinical activity with adults (depressions, anxiety problems, personality disturbances, psychosomatic illnesses) as a Clinical Psychologist in a Psychiatry Service, in multidisciplinary teams, for 20 years, specializing in psychological assessment and individual and group psychotherapy.

    Complementary to her clinical work, she was an university assistant, teaching and coordinating research in Eating Disorders and Psychodynamic Psychological assessment

    Having embarked on psychoanalytic training since 2002, she carries out Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis with children, adults, and adolescents.

    In 2008 she co-founded Clinica Rorschach - Avaliação, Intervenção e Formação em Psicologia Clínica Psicanalítica, specialized at the practice and training in Projective Psychological Assessent.

    She has an active participation in working groups, conferences, and written papers, at Sociedade Portuguesa de Psicanálise and International Psychoanalytical Association.


    Degree in Clinical Psychology (1996)

    Master’s degree in clinical psychology and psychopathology (2001)

    Full member at Sociedade Portuguesa de Psicanálise and at International Psychoanalytic Association (2009)

    Clinical Psychologist at the Psychiatry Yard of Hospital Amadora-Sintra (1997-2021)

    University teacher at Universidade Lusófona (1998-99) and at Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada (2002-2007)

    Co-founder of Clínica Rorschach – Assessment, Training, and Intervention in Psychoanalytic Clinical Psychology (2008-2024)

    Blog Coordinator of the Portuguese Society of Psychoanalysis (2020-2024)

    Private clinical practice since 1996.

    Recent Papers

    • Marta, R. (2023): “Rede entupida: a história de uma comunicação dessubjetivante”. Revista Portuguesa de Psicanálise, 43 (1): 117-118 Link

    • Marta, R. (2023): “Excess”. Mind in the Line of Fire: Psychoanalytical Voices to the Challenges of our times. Cordelia Schmidt-Hellerau & Mira Erlich-Ginor (Eds). IPA in the Community & the World Committees. Link

    • Melícias, A. B.; Ferreira, A. L. ; Marta, R. (2021): “O feminino nas Histórias e segredos de Paula rego”. Revista Portuguesa de Psicanálise, 40 (2): 45-61 Link

    • Marta, R.; Gomes, I.; Miguez, T., Figueiredo, S. (2021): A Clínica de Quarentena (a quatro mãos): Primeiro andamento de uma Psicanálise em tempos de pandemia. Revista Portuguesa de Psicanálise, 41 (1): 64-85 Link

    • Marta, R. (2020): “O analista tem corpo? Transformações do corpo em análise”. Revista Portuguesa de Psicanálise, 40 (1): 42-51 Link

    • Marta, R. (2018): “Era Digital : que futuro para as nossas mentes ?“. Livro da Exposição “Futuros de Lisboa“. EGEAC Museu de Lisboa Torreão Poente.

Special fields: Psychoanalysis, Psychodynamic Psychotherapy

Age groups: Adults

Consultations in English, Polish

Katarzyna Akhtar

Katarzyna is an experienced psychoanalytic psychotherapist and a clinical supervisor. 

She works with adults and provides therapy on a long-term basis and brief therapeutic interventions. She specialises in the treatment of a range of clinical presentations, including anxiety and depression, loss, personality difficulties, intimacy and relationship issues and life transitions. Her particular interest lies in the work with trauma and psycho-somatic health.

She is a co-director of the United in Crisis Association, a non-profit organisation, which provides free of charge mental health support for the refugees and asylum seekers from Ukraine. This is where she also supervises other psychotherapists and trainee clinicians.

Main Areas of Interest: Trauma, psycho-somatic health, mood disorders and personality disorder.

  • Katarzyna trained at the Tavistock Clinic and the Society of Analytic Psychology in London. Alongside her private practice based in Lisbon, she is a co-director of the ‘United in Crisis Association’. 

    She has over twenty years of experience of working therapeutically with individuals and groups in a variety of mental health settings, in which she worked with adults, children and young people and their families. She has a background of working as a psychotherapist in both, Camden & Islington and South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trusts. 

    Whilst living in the UAE, she wrote and coordinated a psycho-educational programme to teach and promote the practice of mindfulness to build reflective awareness and conscious growth. She used her deep understanding of the destructive impact of stress, which could result in addictive/obsessive behaviours and increased anxiety. She continues to deliver my programmes internationally and bring this breadth of experience to her current psychotherapy practice. 

    In collaboration with other mental health clinicians, she founded ‘Wellness PitStop’ a mental health and well-being consultancy service. We offered individual consultations and delivered workshops to organisations where they provided psychological guidance and education to reduce workplace stress and promote work/stress balance. 

    She is an accredited member and abide by the code of ethics of the

    BPC (British Psychoanalytical Council), Registration Number: 24132 and 

    TSP (Tavistock Society of Psychotherapists), Registration Number: 33067

Special fields: Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, Psychological Assessment

Age groups: Adults, children, adolescents

Consultations in Portuguese, English

Mónica Leal Loureiro

She has always felt a great interest in understanding the other, the relationship and the phenomena, often unconscious, that lead us to encounter, or mismatch, with our dreams, goals, personal development, and autonomy. She believes we reach maximum freedom when we can free ourselves from our own “binds” and that psychotherapy can be fundamental in this process. She considers Psychology as a privileged area of ​​intervention and promotion of mental health”.

Main Areas of Interest: Eating disorders, Perinatal disorders, Mood disorders, Anxiety disorders, Obsessive disorders, Personality disorders, Adaptive disorders, stress management, burn out and self-care; Grief and gestational grief.

  • Monica is a full member of the Order of Portuguese Psychologists, a specialist in clinical and health psychology, with advanced specialties in Psychotherapy and Community Intervention;

    Degree in Applied Psychology (Clinical area) and advanced training in assessment, diagnosis and intervention methodologies in children, adolescents and adults.

    She has been practicing clinically since finishing her degree, initially more focused on childhood and adolescence, especially in the areas of Special Educational Needs, Health Psychology and Eating Disorders, which she nowadays combines with the practice of psychology in Community Intervention, in adult population.

    With a career spanning around 18 years, she has worked since finishing her degree, always in a hospital context, as a psychologist in different Adult Psychiatry services. She also practices clinical psychology in a multidisciplinary consultation specializing in Eating Disorders and also maintains clinical practice as a psychotherapist on a private basis.

    Currently, she also works as a member of the Regional Coordination of Mental Health in the Lisbon and Tagus Valley area, as a psychologist representing the professional category, and is a trainer for the Order of Portuguese Psychologists, in courses for full members and in the Junior Professional Year.

    She is the author and co-author of several communications at scientific meetings, as well as several scientific publications in national and international magazines.

Pauline Cordon

Special fields: Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, Psychological Assessment

Age groups: Adults, children, adolescents

Consultations in French, Portuguese

Pauline is a member of the Portuguese Order of Psychologists, specialising in clinical and health psychology, with advanced specialisation in psychotherapy and psychological assessment.

With experience in Psychiatry, hospital health care and private practice, Pauline has worked for over fifteen years in a variety of cultural environments in France, Brazil and Portugal.

The topic of bonding and emotions forms the backbone of her work. The aim is to help people stay connected to themselves and the others. Her approach is based on the cognitive, emotional, behavioural, relational and spiritual aspects of the person which enrich the interpretative framework.

  • Academic background:

    Degree in Psychology, in France (2009)

    Postgraduate in brief psychoanalytic psychotherapy, in Brazil (2015)

    Degree in Clinical Psychology and Psychopathology, in Portugal (2021)

    Degree in mediation, in France (2005)

    Research: Emotions and their different faces are part of my research themes.

    • Parental burnout: Perceived changes during the lockdown, focus on gender and emotional regulation (in English/ InPress), 2021.

    • Applicability of brief psychoanalytic therapy in cases of children subject to emotional disorders (em português), 2015.

Sílvia Acosta

Special fields: Psychoanalysis, Psychodynamic Psychotherapy

Age groups: Adults, adolescents

Consultations in Spanish, Portuguese, English

Silvia Acosta, in addition to the classic psychoanalytic processes, offers psychotherapeutic interventions for adults, adolescents, couples and families with defined objectives, specializing in processes of change typical of the life cycle because of migration, new parenthood, separation or traumatic situations. She specializes in clinical approach in Sexual and Gender Diversity., she receives consultations on various clinical problems, such as depression, anxiety, and impulsivity.

  • Psychoanalyst of the Argentine Psychoanalytic Association.

    Member of the Psychoanalytic Association of Cordoba, the Portuguese Psychoanalytic Society and the International Psychoanalytic Association.

    Member of the Committee of Studies on Gender Diversity and Psychoanalysis of IPA.

    Research Fellow at the University of Cambridge, Research Advisory Board of the International Psychoanalytic Association.

    Doctor in Clinical Psychology from the University of Belgrano.

    Judicial family mediator. Human Ecosystems Foundation, Argentina

Special fields: Psychoanalysis, Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, Family and Couple Therapy.

Age groups: Adults, adolescents

Consultations in Portuguese, Spanish, English.

Susana Ferreira

Trained and qualified to work with individuals and couples, Carina is interested in the unconscious processes that occur in couples' relationship. She identifies psychoanalytic couple psychotherapy as a possibility to transform a space of suffering, which is repetitive and sterilizing, into a creative and fertile intersubjective field.

She will work with you to find out why the interactions between you as a couple have developed in the way that they have.

  • Susana is Clinical Psychologist and a Psychodinamic Psychotherapist

    Degree is Clinical Psychology (2002)

    Psychodinamic Psychotherapy training at Sociedade Portuguesa de Psicologia Clínica (2004)

    Monitoring and guidance in daily activities and medication management in Aria – Associação der reabilitação e Integração Ajuda” (2010-2011)

    Psychological support with children and adolescents in foster homes - Associação Florinhas da Rua (2010-2011).

    University Teacher at Instituto Piaget (2007-2011)

    Clinical Psychologist and psychotherapist for children, adults and adolescentes at “Olhar – Associação pela prevenção e Apoio à saúde Mental” (2005-2018)

    Clinical private practice: psychotherapy for children, adults and adolescents (since 2009).

Carina Brito da Mana

Special fields: Psychodynamic Psychotherapy

Age groups: Adults, adolescents

Consultations in Portuguese

Graduated in Clinical Psychology, she continued her training at the Portuguese Society of Clinical Psychology.

With psychoanalytic inspiration, since 2005, she has developed clinical practice in psychotherapeutic monitoring and psychological support for adolescents and adults.

She has developed a special interest in issues related to grief, melancholy and depression, anxiety, and psychosomatic functioning.

  • Clinical and Health Psychologist in SNS (National Health Service) and Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist in private practice.

    IPSO Representative of Europe of IPA’s Committee on Couple and Family Psychoanalysis.

    Member of the International Association of Couple and Family Psychoanalysis.

    Member of the Order of Portuguese Psychologists: specialist in Clinical and Health Psychology, and advanced specialist in Psychotherapy and in Early Intervention.

    Training in Psychoanalysis by the Portuguese Society of Psychoanalysis (candidate member).

    Training in L’Écoute Psychanalytique du Lien de Couple by the Association de la Psychanalyse de Liens (2019-2016).

    Post-graduate in Interventions with Couples and Families from the University Institute of the Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires (2015).

    Training in Psychoanalytic Couple and Family Psychotherapy, by Prof. Dr. Alberto EIGUER: monthly seminars in Paris (2012-2010) and clinical supervision (2016- 2012).

    Training in Psychoanalytic Couple and Family Psychotherapy by the Portuguese Association of Psychoanalytic Couple and Family Psychotherapy (POIESIS), an association of which she was a co-founding member in 2009.

    Training in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy by the Portuguese Association of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy.

    Degree in Clinical Psychology from the Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada, where she completed her Master's degree.


Hala Hamdan

Special fields: Music Therapy

Age groups: Adults, children, adolescents

Consultations in Arabic, Hebrew, English

Hala provides brief therapeutic interventions and psychotherapy on a short or long-term basis. With her 12 years of experience in the field, she specializes in the treatment of a range of clinical problems: including depression, anxiety, trauma, autism, ADHD, ADD, cancer and other medical issues in a Hospital, improving motoric and speech skills, social issues, relocation challenges, anger regulation and more.

Hala believes that a significant connection built with her patients is essential for a significant therapeutic process, and she also believes in the power of music and arts in creating positive changes in our life and is full of passion taking a part of these changes together with her patients.

  • MA degree in Music therapy

    certification obtained at Adler's institute, for parents' guiding and supporting.

    runs presentations for parents and professional teams about music therapy (music therapy and autism, music therapy and trauma etc), and also presentations for parents who seek for guidance and support.

    Teaches art therapy students different Psychology courses (Metafora Art Therapy School in Barcelona).

    Hala has worked in diverse frames through her carrier, including: Schools, special education frameworks, kindergartens, hospitals where she treated children with cancer and other medical issues, public clinic, and a private clinic.

Special fields: Psychiatry

Age groups: Adults

Consultations in Portuguese, French, English

João Tavares

João Tavares is a psychiatrist and currently works at the Alcoholics Unit in Lisbon. The restlessness, which his taste for adventure provides, has led him to practice in places as diverse as Luxembourg and Martinique. He has a PhD in Contemporary History (2023) from FCSH-Nova and in recent years he has been interested mainly in the challenges that social sciences face in the field of Psychiatry. He has published works in this area, such as: Tavares, João "Haloperidol’s introduction in the United States: A tale of a failed trial and its consequences", Journal of the History of the Neurosciences (2023), DOI: 10.1080/0964704X. 2023.2283463

  • Graduated in medicine from the Faculty of Medicine of Lisbon in 2004, he completed his additional internship in Psychiatry at Hospital Julio de Matos in 2011.

    In 2012 he worked as a psychiatrist at the Hôpital de Colson, Martinique, France

    From 2013 to 2016 he worked as a psychiatrist, and held the role of medical officer on duty (Responsable Medical de l'Unité Bu5), at the center Hospitalier Neuropsiquiatrique, Ettelbruck, Luxembourg

    Returning to Portugal in 2017, he worked in the Alcoholology unit. In 2018, after a brief stay at Hospital de Santarem, he joined the Psychiatry Service at Hospital de Vila Franca de Xira, and in 2022 returned to the alcoholology unit, where he still works today.

Vera Dindo

Special fields: Psychiatry

Age groups: Adults

Consultations in Portuguese, English, French, Swedish, Italian.

Vera has always been interested in other cultures, creating in her a desire to discover new languages and ways of living.

During her internship in Psychiatry, she volunteered in Timor-Leste to explore transcultural Psychiatry. At the end of the internship, she moved to Sweden where she worked as a specialist for 5 years, at Sahlgrenska University Hospital, working at the clinical assessment and therapeutic follow-up of young adult patients.

  • Integrated Masters in Medicine from Nova Medica School, Lisbon (2010)

    Specialist Degree in Psychiatry (2018)

    Introduction to Sexual Medicine from the Institute of Medical Education, Lisbon (2015)

    Participation in the course “22nd Annual Summer Program in Social and Cultural Psychiatry” at McGill University, Montréal, Canada (2016)

    Training in Relapse Prevention from a cognitive-behavioral perspective, Sahlgrenska, Gothenburg, Sweden (2021)

    Training in “motivational interviewing” (METIS), Sahlgrenska, Gothenburg, Sweden (2021)

    Course in Trauma with psychoanalytic and psychodynamic orientation, at the Institute of Psychotherapy in Gothenburg, Sweden (2023)

    General Internship at Centro Hospitalar Barreiro Montijo, E.P.E (2011)

    Medical Internship with specific training in Psychiatry at Hospital Prof. Doctor Fernando da Fonseca E.P.E (2012-2018)

    Medical assistant at Casa de Saúde de Carnaxide (2013)

    Volunteer psychiatrist at Associação Positivo (2013-2017) and in the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste (2014)

    Psychiatrist at Sahlgrenska University Hospital in the Addictive Behaviors, Affective Illnesses and Psychosis departments, Gothenburg - Sweden (2018-2023)

    Psychiatrist at the Lisbon Alcoholology Unit (2023 - to date)

Special fields: Psychoanalysis, Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, Couple Psychotherapy

Age groups: Adults

Consultations in Portuguese, English

Tomás Miguez

Tomás Miguez is interested in the world’s multiculturalism and the universe of arts. He enjoys discovering ways of being and thinking different from those with which he is most familiar.

As a Psychotherapist and Psychoanalyst, as well as a Couples Therapist, he is interested in various clinical conditions, namely situations of depression, trauma, and psychosis. He is also interested in working with people from cultures other than Europe.

  • Tomás is a Psychologist and Psychoanalyst, practicing Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis with adults and adolescents in private practice since 1994. He trained at the Portuguese Society of Psychoanalysis and has a long institutional experience at the psychosocial rehabilitation of psychotic patients. He has several presentations at scientific meetings in Portugal.

Special fields: Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, Psychodynamic Coaching for professionals

Age groups: Adults

Consultations in English, German, Polish

Magdalena Kishizawa

Dipl.-Psych. Magdalena Kishizawa is a psychotherapist specialising in providing short and long-term interventions. Her expertise lies in supporting professionals and immigrants facing challenges such as depression, anxiety, burnout, and relationship difficulties and wanting to develop their social and emotional competencies at work. She offers psychodynamic coaching for business professionals in individual and group settings. She works in English, German and Polish. 

  • Magdalena is an online therapist certified by the British Association of Online Counselling and Psychotherapy (ACTO). She is also a systematic coach (Odenwald Institute in Germany, coaching training recognised by Deutscher Verband für Coaching und Training e.V.) and a candidate of APPSI (Association of Relational Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy in Portugal). She holds a diploma in Diplom Psychology from the University of Heidelberg, Germany and a bachelor's level degree in Education Science from the University of Lublin, Poland. Magdalena is a member of the German Psychologist Association, section Clinical Psychology.

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