Vera Dindo

Special fields: Psychiatry

Age groups: Adults

Consultations in Portuguese, English, French, Swedish, Italian.

Vera has always been interested in other cultures, creating in her a desire to discover new languages and ways of living.

During her internship in Psychiatry, she volunteered in Timor-Leste to explore transcultural Psychiatry. At the end of the internship, she moved to Sweden where she worked as a specialist for 5 years, at Sahlgrenska University Hospital, working at the clinical assessment and therapeutic follow-up of young adult patients.

Academic Training and professional experience

Integrated Masters in Medicine from Nova Medica School, Lisbon (2010)

Specialist Degree in Psychiatry (2018)

Introduction to Sexual Medicine from the Institute of Medical Education, Lisbon (2015)

Participation in the course “22nd Annual Summer Program in Social and Cultural Psychiatry” at McGill University, Montréal, Canada (2016)

Training in Relapse Prevention from a cognitive-behavioral perspective, Sahlgrenska, Gothenburg, Sweden (2021)

Training in “motivational interviewing” (METIS), Sahlgrenska, Gothenburg, Sweden (2021)

Course in Trauma with psychoanalytic and psychodynamic orientation, at the Institute of Psychotherapy in Gothenburg, Sweden (2023)

General Internship at Centro Hospitalar Barreiro Montijo, E.P.E (2011)

Medical Internship with specific training in Psychiatry at Hospital Prof. Doctor Fernando da Fonseca E.P.E (2012-2018)

Medical assistant at Casa de Saúde de Carnaxide (2013)

Volunteer psychiatrist at Associação Positivo (2013-2017) and in the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste (2014)

Psychiatrist at Sahlgrenska University Hospital in the Addictive Behaviors, Affective Illnesses and Psychosis departments, Gothenburg - Sweden (2018-2023)

Psychiatrist at the Lisbon Alcoholology Unit (2023 - to date)